Slots, or ports, are the number of concurrent users who may be engaged in a video call. The number of slots available to you depends on the number you licensed and is controlled at the server level.
When all available slots are occupied and you try to launch/receive a call, you will receive the no slots available error. Once another call ends, slots are returned to available status and your call may proceed.
One unusual situation can occur when a call is scheduled using the calendar. At the time the meeting is scheduled, slots are reserved for it on the server. Even if he call does not begin on time, the server will hold the slots open for the call to begin as scheduled. So if you have licensed 10 slots, and have a 10 person meeting scheduled, there could be no slots available even though there is nobody engaged in a call.
Similarly, if you are in a call and one party abruptly terminates, the server holds the slots to allow time for the participant to reconnect (automatically or manually). If you decide not to continue to the call, there will be a small time segment where the slots are still "occupied" even though they should be available.